Encyclopedia of Sex and Sexuality – “Male Sexuality”
Pitagora (2021): “The descriptive term ‘male’ in the phrase ‘male sexuality’ implies that this type of sexuality is different than the sexualities of those with…”
Dissertation – “The Role of BDSM Orientation on Heteronormativity and Shame in Anoreceptive Heterosexual Males”
Pitagora (2019): “
Pleasure and anal sex are intimately connected, and experts and aficionados alike have professed that anal…”
Sex, Sexuality, and Trans Identities – “The Evolution of Sexuality During Gender Transition”
Wise & Pitagora (2019): “The clients presented in this chapter are case studies incorporating the experiences and…”
Sex Therapy with Erotically Marginalized Clients – “Internalized Heterosexism and the Submissive Male”
Pitagora (2019)”The fictional client presented in this chapter is a composite case incorporating the experiences and…”
Sexual and Relationship Therapy – “Intimate Partner Violence In D/s Relationships”
Pitagora (2015): “Four individuals who experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) in the context of what they thought were BDSM-oriented relationships…”
Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit – “The BDSM Power Exchange—Subversion, Transcendence, Sexual (R)evolution”
Pitagora (2014): “Modern society has progressed in recent decades towards tolerance, and perhaps even acceptance, of individuals…”